Following the success of previous years, ICTAI 2016 will highlight a track dedicated to SAT and CSP this year as well.
Constraint Solving Programming (CSP) and SAT-based technologies have become major related topics of research and application in AI this last decade, opening up new perspectives about effective AI application domains.
The ICTAI conference is a major forum for the CSP and SAT research communities for presenting new high-quality results. The track is intended to further develop the role of ICTAI in that respect.
The SAT/CSP Track authors have to follow the general ICTAI 2016 istructions for paper preparation. presentation and publication.
The SAT/CSP Technical Committee members may be found in ICTAI 2016 Committee page.
SUBMISSION Instructions: Please follow the ICTAI 2016 submission link. Log into Easychair and when promted, select SAT/CSP Track.
Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:
- CSP methodologies and tools
- Constraint networks
- Global constraints
- CSP and SAT Solvers
- Applications of CSP and SAT-based technologies
- Heuristic, complete and hybrid search techniques
- Heuristics for SAT and CSP
- SAT modulo theories
- AI techniques based on SAT and CSP
- Core, MUC and MUS extraction
- Constraint optimization
- Soft/Hard Constraints
- Weighted CSP and SAT